Nick Schurk is a licensed Architect practicing in Springfield, Missouri



From the beginning of my memory...

Design and the idea of making have always been persistent themes in my life, and have had a significant influence in shaping my career. Since I was a kid, I have worked in numerous mediums, including sculpture, painting, woodworking, furniture design, and blacksmithing, all self-taught. I believe these skillsets greatly influenced my desire for a creative career path, and architecture became an avenue for me to continue in this direction. As a maker, I feel that this encourages a multi-faceted approach to design thinking in architecture and construction.

Architecture is one of the most influential aspects of our lives as humans and as members of a society, no matter the walk of life or language. A door is known universally to be a means of entry. Stairs lead to spaces above or below. Windows will inevitably allow the suns light. As an industry with the opportunity to be so involved with humanity, architecture provides an outlook that is much more than the layout of walls. It is an art, a language, a thought process.

As such, I take great pride in my responsibility as an influencer of the built environment to push the limits of what even I myself am comfortable with. To me, that is human, that is growth, that is architecture.